Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ was last modified on June 4, 2020.

1) What is FIXO?

FIXO is a web and mobile application that facilitates easy entry of and time management of service jobs, projects, or tasks, which can be assigned to individual technicians or freelancers within a company group.

2) What if I’m an independent contractor? Can I use FIXO alone?

FIXO can be used by an individual to track time spent on jobs, projects, or tasks whether they are entered and assigned or manually entered each time there is time to be logged.

3) How do I add service technicians, so that I can assign jobs to them?

Simply send a FIXO invite from your logged in account on the FIXO website to the email address of the technician. The technician(s) will need to install the mobile app and create their own login credentials. Because the invite came from you, they will be associated with your group and you will be able to assign jobs to them.

4) How can I remove a service technician from my company’s account?

In the Menu, go to Technicians. Click ‘Remove’ and then confirm removal. Removing the technician will deny the technician access to FIXO job history that the once had access to. However prior job entries and logged time entries for this technician will not be removed. You will still have access to this old data.

5) I need to update my credit card information. Can I use the mobile app?

All payment and plan information must be accessed and updated via the web portal. Simply follow the prompts to complete and new credit card updates.

6) I’m have problems figuring things out. Can I call a live person?

Of course! We are happy to assist you with any questions you have. Please note, depending on time of day and volume of calls, we may need to get back to you. We strive to return every call and email with 24 hrs.